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I clicked on this...

... and then the phone rang... and it kept on running... and looping... and looping.
it is quite captivating. I left it running another 5 minutes while drinking my coffee. haha
I will try to cram some music into 5 seconds as well.. I bet it's not easy.

SolusLunes responds:

Actually, this was pretty easy. :D

Pretty cool.

The guitars are a little crunchy for metal, but the tune was quite nice.
Very groovy. And yes, the widdly widdly part was pretty cool :)

K, i will not ignore the drums here, because I have an offer. lol
If you want I can program you some decent drums, it would be a shame to see the song go to ruin because of some crappy drums!
PM me if you're interested! You can listen to my 2009 songs, they all have some proper drums. I can make the drums sound more natural, less like a metal drumkit if you want, too.

Liau responds:

you're drums are pretty awesome lol :P
I'ma try putting the rest together and see what I can do with what I've got, if it sounds shite, then I'll send you a mes. thanks!
(the drums are mostly just to keep a beat while I record at the moment lol

I just read...

... you like the bassdrum sound of Kataklysm. haha
Their drums sound the nastiest on Serenity in Fire. That bassdrum sounds so... CLICK. can't describe it in any other way. lol
The drums on your track sound pretty cool. Nothing to say about that. I think your rhythm guitar tracks are way to awesome to stay so quiet. They have to shine through like a knife slaying little children. (wow that was a weird comparison)
That was a little exaggerated, they got just use a tiny bit of more volume.
You say it's a bit repetitive, but I don't really think so. The only thing missing to NOT make it sound repetitive are vocals. I experience this a lot when I record. All my songs repeat a certain riff/melody/idea, and I always want to change it... but as soon as vocals are slapped on... BAM!
Also, a small tip from me:
I use a lot of breaks in my song, where it gets all quiet and really suddenly the guitars and drums hammer in. What you do is add a small fade in to the guitars that smash in. But a VERY, VERY short one. That way the Human ear gets used to a new sound coming in and it doesn't sound like the added sound is 'out of place', if you know what I mean. My friend (studio engineer taught me that one... that fucker)
I would do that on your lead, once it comes in, the one at 0:28 for instance.
But that is really just a SMALL SMALL detail.
Overall, great mix. Great tune.

Bad-Man-Incorporated responds:

Thanks very much man. Glad you dig it. It was originally intended for vocals, and the parts with the lead, break lead, was going to be the chorus. I just got a little carried away. I see what you mean on the breaks.
Awesome review, and glad you are listening to my shit. You are one of my favorite artists on NG. :D


I remember the tune.. those damn leads have been sticking in my head for while, but i forgot where they came from.
Simple, down to the point. I also share your mentality of simpleness :D
Complicated or fast parts do not make a song good. It's the quality of the melody that brings a song to life. Some people tend to forget that. Not you, though.

Bad-Man-Incorporated responds:

Yeah, complex shit can be awesome. But sometimes can be a lot of work to listen to .haha.
Glad you dig, brother. \m/


Firstly, I consider what the guy below me said as a personal insult. Fuck you.
K, to the song.
I liked the melodies a lot, the build up was cool, it had a sort of generic metalcore sound to it though, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing at all. In a songwriting aspect, it's great. It has enough repetition in it to make it stick, but enough riffs that change. The piano fit in perfectly, as well. If anyone would put vocals on this, and it wouldn't include well sung parts, it would be an insult to the song.
Great stuff!

deathkllr84 responds:

Lol, don't take it too seriously. People will criticize you your whole life, its up to you whether you let it get to you or not.

I can kind of understand the 'generic' part of this, the breakdown is very core-ish. It's what I thought would fit best though. Some of the riffs were a little AILD based, but hey man - thats the stuff I was raised on you know?

thanks man! \m/


The vocals were fucking badass. Very well recorded, the vocal performance was stunning. At least the grinding.
The clean vocals were not really my cup of tea. They were a bit off pitch and weird.
But they somehow fit into the entire spectrum of the song. The song has very many faces, very cool. So many different momentums. Awesome song!

TheRealSam responds:

Thanks! :D
Off pitch? Real? :O I'll try to fix it! :)


HappyHomicide gets down a lot of good recordings. This is no exception.
Like the vocals. Fucking raped.
Too bad it isn't longer... :(

BuryYourFace responds:

The funny thing is that we live in the same state. Never met each other :)

wheres the bree....

Awesome man, digged the talking part, gave it a nice feel.
The multi voices own. They sound like they come from hell.
cool lyrics, too!

BuryYourFace responds:

no Bree but plenty of vocals from hell > :C

oh man....

Crystal clear...
Must've been a good studio lol
The hihat is panned a little too far for my taste...
Should've also used a room mic...
Sounds awesome nevertheless.
Nice drumming, too.

SecretsOfSounds responds:

Thx Alot Man :D I've Been Drummin For Years...And It Was A Good Studio


It's a fucking pain in the ass to record drums, so +++ for you.
Nice song, the vokills were very guttural. Although they could use a little reverb.
The snare sounds a little... like hitting a beer keg with baseballbat, but fuck it.
Kool. Ballsy riffs.

fabricius89 responds:

yes it is haha.. thanks for the respond.. i can hear, you know what your talking about

\m/ STAY METAL! \m/

Playing Piano On Your Teeth @CWN

Age 38, Male



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