View Profile CWN
Playing Piano On Your Teeth @CWN

Age 38, Male



Joined on 5/5/04

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No more Newgrounds.

Posted by CWN - November 29th, 2009

I've decided to close my Newgrounds account. Gonna try to get it deleted over the next few days. (or at least get my songs taken down)

I've found numerous sites where people have uploaded my music and claim it as their own. The music was taken from newgrounds.com. As I've never uploaded it anywhere else. Even if you offer stuff for free, you still get fucked.
Not cool.

So, I give my thanks out to all the NG people I met. I have learned a lot and heard some cool tunes.
Take care!


i know its frustrating to have other people steal your work but at the end of the day all it is, is just free exposure... those idiots that stole your music will eventually be known as phonies.. dont leave newgrounds because of something as stupid as that.. it happens to alot of great artists on here.. cornandbeans has MULTIPLE people on youtube claiming his music as their own... It simply means that you are good enough to have your music stolen

i know this sounds nuts but you should be flattered

Ah fuck man... You shouldn't take shit like that. Just stand up for yourself. You know that , by submitting to newgrounds you own the copyright of your own work automatically.

But I am standing up for myself. It was my decision to post the music for free, for everyone to enjoy. I guess some people decided to rape that decision, and I am raping them back. I don't care if they are 14 year olds posing as me to gain some self esteem or something... They shall feel my wrath :-)
I thought the newgrounds concept was quite nice, one of the reasons I uploaded here. Too bad people abuse it.
My music was never used for any flash anyhow, so I have completely failed the point of the audio portal anyway. It's just time to move on, i guess.
I will just post fun songs or collabs, instead of my "commercial" songs from now on (If i do ever upload anything)

Oh yeah. I forgot , just search on youtube for like Dimoria , or Longing for you . And you will see how many people who have claimed to have made my song/s .

The best way to handle the situation is upload your music to youtube. and at start of the song you can say your name like most of the DJ people do. And R&B/Rappers do that aswell. easiest example= AKON.

I know it actually sucks, but they are just people who dont have a life. You got talent and try to be more famous around the internet so people would be forced to stop saying that its their content.

AND you can ask a awesome animator to animate on your songs and you can then get the video type file from him and upload them on youtube. And put links to your profiles in social networks and other places on your website.

Don't go man! I love your music! I been looking forward to listening to your new songs. You are the best. Basicly your music changed my life, because I met my girlfriend at my work because i saw her listening to your stuff. Don't quit. Scums like people who steal music are basement dwellers that live with there grandma.

your better than this

i understand why you would do this but why now!? i started downloading your stuff the night before you posted this and now i've only got some of your songs i can deal with you not being on newgrounds but you gotta update your site. i get why your doing this and if i was you (i wish i was sometimes) i think i'd do the same thing.

I'll update the site eventually, probably not before christmas though..

This really sucks, dude. Truly sorry to hear that. Will you be posting your music anywhere else from now on? I know that we're all happy to pay good money for it if that would make things safer plagiarism-wise.

You will be sorely missed on here, dude. Good luck.

Shitty dude. I just found your music. Where are you gonna be posting? I'd like to keep up with what you are doing musically.

hey bro what about our collab? you gunna put that up anywhere else? and uhhhh yeah I wont be submitting either man I'm moving back overseas for a while. Keep in touch so we can throw another collab together some day. And btw people have been doing the same shit with my music for years. Even on this very site. But yeah take care brother and never stop making music.

I had a better mixed version of the collab somewhere, I think I still had the old version on my site..
I'll never stop making music! What did u mean with overseas? Europe?!
That would be pwn!