For me to leave on another trip. 4 months on a big container ship... Never been away that long... oh well. I'll have a lot of time to make some music. haha
Until then, enjoy the following:
The Whisperer Collab with BuryYourFace
DjBjra and me teamed up for the MAC competition. Children's song! CHECK IT OUT!
Been working on my website:
Playing Piano On Your Teeth
It's not finished, but already looks cool!
P.S. I bought myself a cheap violin and will attempt to teach myself to play on the trip. lol?
Why the fuck you got to do this? you give a taste of greatness, than you leave for 4 months?!?! GRAAAAGH. Oh well, I guess your last trip let you work your creative juices. Just try not to get the captain all weired out if you record vocals again, lol.
I expect greatness!!