Yes, that's right. I thought I'd have a go at a video game theme... Took me a while to find a videogame song that hasn't been properly metalized.
Also: The intro of Battlefield 1942 is one of my favorite Gamemusic songs, so the decision wasn't very hard.
Now I can tell you, it's a bitch to make guitars sound as powerful as a whole multi-melodic orchestra, so I hope it will work, but i think i did a good job. Also, it's a 3/4 rhythm, that always sounds crappy in metal over long periods of time....
The rhythm guitars are done, I just have to record the 'solo'.
I'm also testing my new guitar sound on this song, now using a rig and noise gate... sounds fucking awesome to me compared to my old guitar sound.
Stay tuned, it will be here. SOON!
Hm, I've noticed that ALL my songs' scores keep dropping everyday... Someone must really like me! Thank you for stopping by and voting zero on all my songs motherfucker! Have a nice day! bitch.
battlefield 1942... dadada da dumdum! dadada da dumdum!
Cool... I'll be waiting for it!
I'll send u a pm once it's out!
Played in some different guitar parts today to make it more heavy.... think I'm going to continue recording now.